Frederico Garcia Pinto
GONÇALVES, ROSEMBERGUE GABRIEL LIMA ; LOPES, PALOMA APARECIDA ; POCHAPSKI, DANIEL JOSÉ ; DE OLIVEIRA, LUIZ CARLOS ALVES ; PINTO, FREDERICO GARCIA ; NETO, JONAS LEAL ; TRONTO, JAIRO . Effect of pH, ionic strength, and temperature on the adsorption behavior of Acid Blue 113 onto mesoporous carbon. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. X, p. X-X, 2022. DOI
PINTO, FREDERICO G.; MAHMUD, IQBAL ; RUBIO, VANESSA Y. ; MÁQUINA, ADEMAR DOMINGOS VIAGEM ; FURTADO DURANS, ANÍZIA FAUSTA ; NETO, WALDOMIRO BORGES ; GARRETT, TIMOTHY J. . Data-Driven Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy in Paper Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics for Rapid Detection of Prostate Cancer. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 94, p. 1925-1931, 2022. DOI
PEREIRA, ERLON LOPES ; BORGES, ALISSON CARRARO ; DA SILVA, GREICELENE JESUS ; MOUNTEER, ANN HONOR ; PINTO, FREDERICO GARCIA ; TÓTOLA, MARCOS ROGÉRIO . Performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor operating under high organic loading in treatment of biodiesel wastewater. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, v. x, p. x, 2022. DOI
PRADO, ROBERTA ; CORRÊA, ADDILA ; RODRIGUES, JOYCE ; SCALDAFERRI, CRISTIANE ; DE SOUSA, FABIANA ; PASA, VÂNYA ; CONSTANTINO, VERA ; PINTO, FREDERICO ; TRONTO, JAIRO . Catalysts Derived from Thermal Treatments of Hydrocalumite-Type Compounds: Synthesis and Application in Transesterification Reactions. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v. 34, p. 2-12, 2022. DOI
SILVA, GERALDO H ; SOUZA, J. A. R. ; MACEDO, WILLIAN R ; PINTO, F G . Tyrosol, a phenolic compound from Phomopsis sp., is a potential biostimulant in soybean seed treatment. Phytochemistry Letters, v. 43, p. 40-44, 2021. DOI
PEREIRA, HEBERT V. ; PINTO, FREDERICO G. ; DOS REIS, MARCELO R. ; GARRETT, TIMOTHY J. ; AUGUSTI, RODINEI ; SENA, MARCELO M. ; PICCIN, EVANDRO . A fast and effective approach for the discrimination of garlic origin using wooden-tip electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and multivariate classification. TALANTA, v. 230, p. 122304, 2021. DOI
MAHMUD, IQBAL ; PINTO, FREDERICO G. ; RUBIO, VANESSA Y. ; LEE, BONGYONG ; PAVLOVICH, CHRISTIAN P. ; PERERA, RANJAN J. ; GARRETT, TIMOTHY J. . Rapid Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer Disease Progression Using Paper Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 93, p. 7774-7780, 2021. DOI
LEITE, VICTOR S. A. ; REIS, MARCELO R. ; PINTO, FREDERICO G. . Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals Metabolic Changes Linked to Bulb Purpling in Garlic ( Allium sativum L.). ACS Food Science & Technology, v. 1, p. 242-248, 2021. DOI